Dr. Manisha Patil |
Head of the Department & Assistant Professor |
English | |
Ph.D. , NET, SET | |
manisha@gncasc.org |
- MH-SET – 2013
- UGC NET – 2012
- Ph.D., University of Mumbai – 2010
- B.Ed., University of Mumbai – 2005
- M.A. English, University of Mumbai – 2004
- B.A. English, University of Mumbai – 2002
Research Papers Published in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Patil, Manisha. Rabindranath Tagore’s Pragmatic Vision of Indian Nationalism in ‘The Home and the World’. Research Drops: A Peer Reviewed International Journal, Vol. 1 September 2011. ISSN: 2231-105X. P 41-46.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Leap of Faith beyond Damnation: Dr. Faustus on the Threshold of Modern Science’. Indian Streams Research Journal Vol. 4, Issue 7, August 2014. ISSN: 2230-7850. P 1-4.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Whispers of the Dead: Psychoanalytical Study of Ravindranath Tagore’s Short Stories’. Veethika, Vol. 1 No. 1, April-June 2015. ISSN: 2454-342X. P 5-10.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Radha Krishna: Carnal Love Spiritualized’. Veethika, Vol. 2 No. 1, Jan-Mar 2016. ISSN: 2454-342X. P 1-6.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Shepherd and the Tiger: William Blake’s and Arun Kolatkar’s Holistic Vision of Nature’. Research Scholar, Vol. 4 Issue 2, May 2016. ISSN: 2320- 6101. P 140-144.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Of the Male Born: Masculine Fantasy Appropriating Female Reproductivity’. Indian Scholar, Vol. 3 Issue 1, September 2016. ISSN: 2350-109X. P 143-148.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Amcha Baap an Amhi: The Exemplary Voice of Proactive Protest and Progress’. International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concept, Vol. VI, Special Issue I: February 2018. ISSN: 2454-2415. P 52-56.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Challenging the Double Consciousness of Globalized Indians through the Singularity of Posthumanism: Study of The Calcutta Chromosome as a Post Colonial Science Fiction’. International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concept, Vol. VI, Special Issue II: March 2018. ISSN: 2454-2415. P 107-115.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Marathi Movies: Millennial Marmalade’. Veethika, Vol. 5 No. 4, Oct-Dec 2019. ISSN: 2454-342X. P 47-50.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Hopeless Purpose and Purposeless Hope: Dialectics of Colonization and Decolonization in Chimamnda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus’. Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science, Vol. 2, No. 5, January 2021. E-ISSN: 2456-5571. P 1-5.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Sanctity of Languages and Sanity of Sociolinguistics’. Anahad Lok, Vol. 7, No.12. 2021. ISSN:2349-137X. P 208-214.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Sacrificing the Son: Patriarchal Power Politics in Hindu Mythology’. Anahad Lok, Vol. 7, Special Issue No.1. 2021. ISSN 2349-137X. P 288-294.
Research Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Psychodynamics of Sexual Harassment at Workplace’. Special issue of ‘Sexual Harassment (Psychological, Literary and Human Rights’ Perspectives)’ edited by Ms. MythiliMukund and et. ISBN: 978-93-83183-24-1. P 91-95.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Glimpses of Goddess: Parvati as the Prototype of Ecofeminism’. Special issue of ‘Multidisciplinary Approach through Extension for Sustainable Development’ 2, No. 1, Part 1, April 2016. ISSN: 2394-4560. P 205-207.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Celebrating Nature: The Lost Ancient Wisdom behind Festivals’. Special issue of ‘Ecological Disasters: Its Impact and Historicity’. September 2016. ISSN: 978-93-85882-32-6. P 218-221.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Recreating Jazz: Toni Morrison’s Use of Self-conscious Narrator as ‘the Voice of a Talking Book’’. Special issue of ‘Diversity and Transformation: American Literature 1920-1990’ (DTAL-2016), January 2017. ISBN: 978-81-930573-7-7. P 50-54.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘The Merchant and the Terrorist: Post Colonial Reading of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice’. Special issue of ‘Revisiting Shakespeare 400 Years Later’, January 2017. ISBN: 978-81-922741-6-4. P 131-137.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘At the Crossroads of Being and Becoming: Study of Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana as a Post-modern Play’. Special issue of ‘Contemporary Trends in Language, Literature, Feminism and Culture’, February 2017. ISBN: 978-81-925842-3-2. P 131-137.
- Patil, Manisha. ‘Healing Power of Eco-feminism Echoed in the Poetry of Maya Angelou’. Special issue of ‘Sustainable Development: Perspectives, Achievements and Challenges’, September 2017. ISSN:2278-5655. P 164-170.
Chapters Published in Books
- Patil, Manisha. “Contesting Hegemony through Social Networking”. Research Canvas. by Dr. Manish Mishra. December 2013. ISBN: 978-93-81394-63-2. P 31-33.
- Patil, Manisha. “Indian Animation Films: A Dream Unfulfilled”. Kaleidoscope of Indian Cinema. Ed. by Dr. Manish Mishra, Dr. Manjeet Maan, Dr. Manisha Patil, & Dr. Shweta Nanda. 2019. ISBN: 978-81-8457-859-1. P 15-19.
- Patil, Manisha. “Dark Clouds of Love: Cinematic Explorations of Speculated Love Affairs of Kalidasa and Shakespeare”. Kaleidoscope of Indian Cinema. Ed. by Dr. Manish Mishra, Dr. Manjeet Maan, Dr. Manisha Patil, & Dr. Shweta Nanda. 2019. ISBN: 978-81-8457-859-1. P 112-125.
- Patil, Manisha. “The Victim Had No Right to Live: White Hegemony and Black Marginalization in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye”. A New Approach to Subaltern Literature. Ed. by Shivaji D. Sargar. 2019. ISBN: 978-81-89187-71-2. P 38-47.
- Patil, Manisha. “Story of a Life Lightly Dancing on the Edge of Time Like a Dew on the Tip of a Leaf: Spatial Study of Rabindranath Tagore’s The Post Office”. रवींद्रनाथ टागोर: सामाजिक प्रतिमा के महानायक. Ed. by Manish Kumar Mishra, Dr. Anindya Bhattacharya. 2020. ISBN. 978-93-86556-62-2. P 104-114.
- Patil, Manisha. “On Field, On Screen: When Cricket Meets Bollywood”. भारत का क्षेत्रीय सिनेमा. Ed. by Manish Kumar Mishra, Dr. Anita Manna. 2020. ISBN 978-93-86556-69-1. P 184-195.
- Patil, Manisha. “Festering Dreams: Cinematic Representation of Mumbai Underworld”. भारत का क्षेत्रीय सिनेमा. Ed. by Manish Kumar Mishra, Dr. Anita Manna. 2020. ISBN 978-93-86556-69-1. P 196-202.
- Patil, Manisha. “Wise and Otherwise: Janus-Faced Reality”. शोध-विविधा. Ed. by Manish Kumar Mishra, Ms. Priyanka Thakur, Dr. Usha Dubey. 2021. ISBN-978-81-950394-4-9. P 160-164.
- Patil, Manisha. “Spatial Dynamics of Caste, Gender and Colonization in Rabindranath Tagore’s Short Stories”. शोध-विविधा. Ed. by Manish Kumar Mishra, Ms. Priyanka Thakur, Dr. Usha Dubey. 2021. ISBN-978-81-950394-4-9. P 165-178.
- Mishra, Manish Kumar & Manisha Patil. “स्वामी विवेकानन्द: आधुनिक भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद के पितामह”. स्वामी विवेकानन्द: समग्र वैचारिक क्रांति. by Dr. Harsha Trivedi. 2023. ISBN 978-93-91458-58-4. P 50-65.
Books Published
Patil, Manisha. Playing With Darkness: A Study of Toni Morrison’s Early Novels from Postcolonial Perspective. Authorspress, Delhi. 2023. ISBN 978-93-5529-391-6.
- The Mahabharata: An Ocean of Eternal and Universal Wisdom, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2023
- Mapping Longings and Belonging of the Human Soul: A Geocritical Assessment of Selected Works of Rabindranath Tagore, University of Mumbai, ₹25,000 – 2019
- Improbable Made Possible: Significance of Science Fiction in the 21st century, University of Mumbai, ₹32,000 -2017
- Fellowship of Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla in 2023
- PhD Guide at G.N. Khalsa College (Autonomous), Mumbai
- BoS Member, Paper Setter, Moderator and Examiner at the University Level (MA English)
- UGC-IUC Associateship of Indian Institute of Advanced Study in May 2023
- UGC-IUC Associateship of Indian Institute of Advanced Study in October 2021
- Awarded the third prize in the Maharashtra State Level Inter-Collegiate Poetry Writing e-Competition held in May-June 2020
- Awarded the second place at the Inter-Collegiate One-Act-Play Competition held in the year 2001-2002 as the part of 34th Annual Youth Festival conducted by the University of Mumbai
- Awarded the National Talent Search Scholarship in 1997