Dr. Ramraj Thiraviam Nadar |
IQAC Co-ordinator and Assistant Professor |
Accountancy Commerce | |
Ph.D, M.B.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., M.Com. | |
ramraj@gncasc.org |
- Ph.D. in Banking and Finance from University of Mumbai, 2015
- M.B.A. in Finance YCMOU, 2010
- M.Phil. from Madurai Kamraj University, 2007
- B.Ed. from M.S. University, 1998
- M.Com. in Advance Accountancy and Cost Accounting with Auditing from M.S. University, 1992
Books Authored/Co-authored
- Management Accounting for S.Y.B.CAF Sem-IV and S.Y.B.B.I Sem-III (Introduction to Management Accounting), Sheth Publishers Pvt.Ltd, Mumbai
- Cost Accounting-I & II for T.Y.B.Com. Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Research Papers Published
- A Study of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Employees of Private and Public Banks in Thane District, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; Scopus Indexed, 32(3), Volume: 32, Issue:3, ISSN 2651-4451, e-ISSN 2651-446X, pp32593-32599
- “A Comparative study of customers satisfaction towards digitalization in private and public banks in Thane District”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol-8, Issue-2 (VI), – ISSN-2394-7780,IF 7.36., pp 198-205
- “Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on profitability of Banks- A case study of Axis Bank” International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Volume- 8, Issue-2-II, ISSN- 2394-7780, April-June 2021, pp 157-163
- “Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Digital Banking, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, Bilingual International Research Journal, (UGC Care Journal)- Vol-10, Issue-38-April-June-2020-ISSN-2229-3620, pp17-22
- “A consumer-based study on the usage of online payment system in Mumbai” Studies in Indian Place Names, (UGC Care Journal)- ISSN-2394-3114, Vol-40, Issue-75, March,2020, pp1-8
- “Digital Banking and its impact on customers in the Global Era”, Studies in Indian Place Names, (UGC Care Journal)- ISSN-2394-3114, Vol-40, Issue-05, March,2020, pp430-435
- “HRM and its sustainability in private sector banks in Navi Mumbai Region”: Studies in Indian Place Names, (UGC Care Journal)- ISSN-2394-3114, Vol-40, Issue-04, February,2020, pp-545-558
- “Impact of online promotional offers on E-Buying: From a youth perspective”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Volume-6, Issue-2, April-June,2019-ISSN-2394-7780, pp186-191
- Impact of social media towards emotional intelligence, Management Guru, Journal of Management Research Peer Reviewed International Journal, Vol-VII, Issue-2-ISSN-2319-2429, pp 180-185, March-2019
- A Critical analysis of Green HR Strategy in Indian Banking Sector, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, e-ISSN-2278-487X, ISSN-2319-7668, pp27-33
- Impact of Demonitization : An Analytical study, Abhinav National Monthly Referred Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume-6, Issue-8 August -ISSN- 2277.1166 ,pp64-69
24 - Dynamic Approach for Index Option Pricing Using Different Models, Journal of Global Economy, volume 13,No2, ISSN 0975 3931, pp 104-120.July, 2017
- Impact of Demonetization on Small Traders in Navi- Mumbai City, International Scholarly Research Journals for Interdisciplinary studies, Volume -2, ISSN 0976 8564, I.F 2.03 Indexed Sr.no 108. ( International )
- Asymmetry in Volatility Clustering of Gold price in India: An Empirical Investigation, International Scholarly Research Journals for Interdisciplinary studies, Volume -1, ISSN 2319 4766, I.F 5.403, pp 37- 4. (International)
- Behaviour of Gold Price in Indian Commodity Market: An Econometric Analysis, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, Pondichery, India, Volume 4, Issue2, February,2017, ISSN- 321 0613 (e) I.F. 2.3898, pp942-946
- Understanding Mumbai Monsoon Flood of 26 th July 2005 and its implication Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd, special Issue,ISBN-978-93-85882-32-6, sept,2016- pp140-149
- Emerging Issues and Challenges of Green Marketing, An International Journal of Commerce, Economics and Management, Rishabh Publishing House, Mumbai,(International Journal), Volume2.No.2. Special Issue, Part-I, April, 2016, ISSN- 2394-4560, pp71-78, (National)
- Green Marketing Issues and Challenges in India, An International Journal of Commerce, Economics and Management, Rishabh Publishing House, Mumbai, (International Journal), Volume 2.No.2. Special Issue, Part-I, April,2016, ISSN-2394-4560 pp63-70 (National)
- The Role of Green Banking strategies in sustainable development, An International Journal of Commerce, Economics and Management, Rishabh Publishing House, Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd, special Issue,ISBN-978-93-85882-32-6, sept,2016- pp140-149. Mumbai,(International Journal), Volume2.No.2. Special Issue, Part-I, April, 2016, ISSN-2394-4560, pp1-9. (National)
- Financial Inclusion: Transforming the lives of the Poor in India, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, Edited book (proceedings of National conference), ISBN-987-93-85000-44-7, pp 150-162., (National)
- The impact of new media technologies on younger generation & society, Chronicle of Humanities and Cultural Studies (International Journal), Vol.1, No.4, December 2015, ISSN-2454-5503, pp53-55. (International)
- Indian Banking Industry‘s Performance in the Global Context, International Journal of Management & Economics, Chetan Publications, India, Vol.1, No.19, November-2015, ISSN-No-2231-4687, pp1-9., (International). I.F.2.52.,pp 1-9
- A study on Customer’s satisfaction among the banking industry in the Global Context: A detailed study of bank customers in Navi- Mumbai City, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi, ISBN-978-93-83342-12-9, February 2015,(National). Pp69-73
- Financial Inclusion and strategies to reach inclusive Financial Growth in India, Tactful Management Research Journal, ISSN-2319-7943. Laxmi Book Publication, Solapur, Maharashtra, IF 2.1632, March 2015, (International).pp 105-109
- Indian Banking Sector in the Global Scenario, International Journal of Management and Economics, Chetan Publications, Aurangabad, ISSN- 2231-4687, IF 1.52, November2014, (International).pp 13-18
- Corporate Governance in Indian Banking Sector in the Context of Global Scenario, Osmania Journal of International Business Studies,ISSN 00973-5372, Department of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderadabad,A.P IF-0.537,Jan-June-2014, (International).pp 208-215
- Financial Inclusion: A Step towards Inclusive Growth in the slums of Mumbai city, M.D Publishers Private Ltd, Mumbai, ISBN-978-81-925005-0-8, August 2013, (National).pp 48-63
- An Empirical study on Consumer Behavior on FDI in Multi Brand Retailing in Navi- Mumbai city of Maharashtra, Mangalam Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, ISBN – 978-93-82816-00-3, 2013, (National- Edited Book).,pp 168-177
- An Empirical Study of Financial Inclusion and its strategic approach in the slums of Mumbai, International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering ISSN 2249-0558, volume-3, Issue-2, February 2013, (International).pp 168-181, I.F 4.297
- A study on the role of Technology in Banking services in the slums of Mumbai city, Sheth Publishers Pvt.Ltd, ISBN, 978-93-82429-97-5, December 2012, (National). Pp 46- 53
- Information technology and financial inclusion in India: Opportunities and challenges, International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering ISSN 2249-0558, volumr-2, Issue-10,October 2012, (International).pp 387-402, I.F 3.911.
- Customer satisfaction towards ATM services- A study of bank customers in Navi-Mumbai, International Journal of Physical and social sciences ISSN 2249-5894, volume-2, Issue-7, July2012, (International).pp 196-209, I.F.2.628
- An Empirical study on Banking services towards urban poor in Mumbai city, Global Journal of Management Application, ISSN 2249-345X, Mumbai,volume-II, No(1) Jan-March 2012, (International).pp 99-105
Sr. No. | Name of Institute/ Agency/ University | Minor/ Major Research | Topic | Status | Grant (Rs) |
1. | University of Mumbai | Minor | Financial Inclusion: Issues and Challenges in the slums of Mumbai city. | Completed
July 2016 |
26,000 |
2 | University of Mumbai | Minor | Critical Analysis and usage of Mobile Phones by Degree College Students in Navi Mumbai City | Completed
December 2019 |
30,000 |
- Best Paper Award: International level conference organized by Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai, entitled “Financial Inclusion in the slums of Mumbai: Strategic Approach and its Challenges ahead” on the theme of Strategic Management in Global Scenario: Challenges and Opportunities on 23rd & 24th February 2012
- Best Paper Award: National Level conference organized by C.K.T College, New Panvel, entitled “Banking Services towards Slum Dwellers in Mumbai City” on the theme of Recent development in Trade and Commerce on 7th & 8th January 2011
- Recognized as a Post Graduate Teacher from the University of Mumbai
- Acted as External Referee for Ph.D. Thesis from the D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai
- Adjudicated Examiner for Ph.D. Thesis from University of Madras
- Adjudicated Examiner for Ph.D. Thesis from the Bharathiyar University, Tamil Nadu
- Recognized as MBA Project Guide, YCMOU, Nashik
- Recognized as a Ph.D. Guide in Banking and Finance, University of Mumbai